2025 Winter Retreats
We look forward to seeing our friends and making new friends during one of our Winter Retreats in January!
40 Below
Ages: 18 and up
Dates: January 10-12, 2025
Directors: Ian & Olivia Nieboer
Speaker: Dan Faulkner
We are looking forward to another time for us to come together to learn more about the Lord Jesus and to encourage one another on to love and good works!
We hope to combine all the fun activities that Li-Lo-Li has to offer with a chill, laid back vibe that fosters peace and refreshment from day-to-day life. We can accommodate singles and married couples. Bring a friend, bring a game or two, and bring your warm clothes! We can’t wait to see you there!
Teen Retreat
Ages: 13 to 18
Dates: January 17-19, 2025
Director: Caleb Benson
Speaker: Jon Tietz
A weekend retreat designed especially for teens to spend time with friends, make new ones and enjoy terrific Bible teaching from our speaker. Our directors will provide a great weekend to unplug and enjoy the Lord, camp and friends. We expect to continue the Teen Retreat tradition for the Saturday Night coffee house again this year!
Pre-Teen Retreat
Ages: 9 to 13
Dates: January 31-February 2, 2025
Director: Will Stiefler
Speaker: Gary Foster
A great weekend for our pre-teen campers to enjoy the beautiful outdoors, warm fires, great friends and teaching from God’s Word. We will have lots of games and activities to enjoy camp in the winter. Don’t forget to bring your warm clothes to be prepared for some outdoor fun in the snow!

The arrival and departure times are the same for all of the retreats:
- Arrival / Registration – 7pm on Friday evening
- Departure – 1:00 pm on Sunday after lunch
When you register, you will have the option to select how much you pay based on your own financial situation. While there are costs to running a retreat, we don’t want anyone’s personal financial situation prevent them from being able to attend. If you have any questions, please email our registrar, Shona Benson, at [email protected].
What to bring
Campers will stay in heated cabins with separate washhouses. Remember to bring:
- Bible and notebook
- Bedding (sleeping bag or sheets & blankets, pillow)
- Toiletries & towels
- Outdoor winter gear for outside (snow pants, gloves, hats, boots, etc.)
- At least one extra outfit and socks in case clothing gets wet outdoors