Camper Communication

For privacy reasons, campers are NOT allowed to have cell phones or electronic devices at camp.
Internet / Wifi is not available to campers.

We encourage you to send your camper mail while they are at camp! You can send regular “snail” mail, or you can send electronic mail through the Campwise Registration System. Please note that the mail through Campwise will be able to be read by some staff as they print and distribute the messages to the campers.

Physical Mail

We discourage sending packages to campers as staff needs to review content of packages with the camper before distributing.

Mailing Address
Camper Name
c/o Camp Li-Lo-Li
8811 Sunfish Run Rd
Randolph, NY 14772

Campwise Emails

Your Title Goes Here
Send an Email

To send a message to your camper through Campwise:

  1. Click Here to get to the Campwise Registration System
  2. Login using your username / password
  3. Once you are logged in, you will see Camper Emails as one of the options on the home page / dashboard.
  4. Click “New Email” to create the message to send and submit.
  5. You will be able to select one or more of your campers to send the same message to. If you want to send a separate message to each camper, make sure you select only that camper for each message.
  6. Once completed, click Submit.
  7. The emails are distributed each day at lunch time based on those submitted between 9am the previous day and 9am that morning.
Invite Others to Email

You are able to invite others to send messages to your camper(s). The instructions are as follows from the same portal:

  1. Click the Invite option
  2. Select which campers the invitation will be associated with
  3. Enter your name as the From First and Last name
  4. You can invite multiple people at one time by entering in the email messages.
  5. You can enter message text to be sent with the email to the invitee.
  6. Click submit

Once you submit, an email will be sent to the recipients with instructions and a link to be able to send the message to the campers.