Staff Applications are coming in and available online!  

Regional Staff Training Sessions have been announced!

We are so thankful for each of you that have
served at Camp in the past and/or will serve at Camp this summer.  Sharing
the Life, Love and Light of Christ to campers is a blessing and a privilege and
we rejoice in partnering with you in this wonderful work for Christ!
We are looking forward to an exciting 2017 and
having each of you participate in the ministry!  If you have not had an opportunity to apply for staff this summer, we encourage you to go to the website to start the process.  Go to our staffing webpage to download the instructions and start the process!

We are excited to announce the Regional Training dates.
We encourage you to look at the website for more information regarding Certifications and Training.
Please check the website often for updated
information and subscribe to our blog to receive updates as well.
Since 1953, thousands of
campers have heard the gospel and have been impacted by their time here.
Perhaps you were one of those who came to put their faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ at camp. Come see “Changed Lives through Jesus Christ”!
Will you be a part of that with us? Please pray
about the possibility of serving alongside us this summer.